Smiley's karte Smileys Ristorante & Pizzeria. Call Menu Info. 27 Lincoln Way E Massillon, OH Uber. MORE PHOTOS. Main Menu Hours: Monday - Thursday 11am - 10pm, Friday.
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Advertisement. The yellow smiley icon was born in in Worcester, Massachusetts, when the graphic designer Harvey Ball was approached by State Mutual Life Assurance Company to create a morale booster for employees. As the story goes, it only took ten minutes for Ball to create an icon that would knit itself so firmly in the fabric of.
Smileys gutschein 30 talking about this · 96 were here. We start serving dinner at Banquet Hall and Restaurant.
Smiley's pizza A classic. (‿) is, much like ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯, applicable in almost any situation. It can be used genuinely, maybe when you’re feeling pretty! But it is also perfect for passive-aggressive.
Smiley's speisekarte A yellow face with simple, open eyes and a thin, closed smile. Conveys a wide range of positive, happy, and friendly sentiments. Its tone can also be patronizing, passive-aggressive, or ironic, as if saying This is fine when it’s really not. Slightly Smiling Face was approved as part of Unicode in and added to Emoji in
Smiley's lübeck Whether you plan to comment on a post or text a friend, these popular emoticons are the perfect option when words won’t cut it. 1. The Most Popular Emoticons. These three emoticons are consistently ranked among the most popular emotions. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ಠ_ಠ. 2.
Smiley bedeutung Welcome to , a free-to-use nonprofit, independent website with emojis and smileys you can use online for free. We have put a smile on people's faces online since to make the internet a bit more expressive and colorful. Take advantage of that; we have added emojis to our ever-expanding library of smileys, emoticons, and emojis.
Smiley's öffnungszeiten smileys & emotion. anguished face. smileys & emotion. anxious face with sweat. smileys & emotion. astonished face. smileys & emotion. beaming face with smiling eyes. smileys & emotion.