To demonstrate deutsch demonstrated; demonstrating 1: to show clearly 2 a: to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence b: to illustrate and explain especially with examples 3: to show publicly the good qualities of a product demonstrate a new car 4: to make a public display (as of feeling or military force) citizens demonstrated in protest Medical Definition.
Demonstration englisch demonstrate verb (EXPRESS) C2 [ T ] to express or show that you have a particular feeling, quality, or ability: He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project. His answer demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the question. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases demonstrate verb (PROTEST) B2 [ I ].
Demonstrate synonym uk / ˈdemənstreɪt / us. to show something, or show someone how to do something, or how a system or product works: They demonstrated how big savings could be made with the help of the new machinery. demonstrate sth to sb We asked them to come and demonstrate the new invoicing system to the staff. Compare. demo.
March definition english on·strat·ed, dem·on·strat·ing. to make, give, or take part in, a demonstration: The pickets required a license to demonstrate. Military. to attack or make a show of force to deceive an enemy. OTHER WORDS FOR demonstrate.
Demonstration definition
demonstrate (ˈdɛmənˌstreɪt) vb 1. (Logic) (tr) to show, manifest, or prove, esp by reasoning, evidence, etc: it is easy to demonstrate the truth of this proposition. 2. (tr) to evince; reveal the existence of: the scheme later demonstrated a fatal flaw. 3. (tr) to explain or illustrate by experiment, example, etc. Demonstration Synonyms for DEMONSTRATING: proving, establishing, showing, confirming, substantiating, evidencing, documenting, upholding; Antonyms of DEMONSTRATING: disproving.
Petition definition english The meaning of DEMONSTRATE is to show clearly. How to use demonstrate in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Demonstrate. Britannica English: Translation of.
DEMONSTRATE: English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary ənˈstreɪ·ʃən / an event in which a group of people march or stand together to show that they disagree with or support something or someone: Students staged a protest demonstration in the school gym.