Bunk bed sofa Heavy Duty Metal Bunk Beds Designed for Adults with a 2, LB Capacity per Bunk. 2, LB Capacity per Bunk.
Bunk room bunk bed. das Etagenbett Pl.: die Etagenbetten. bunk bed. das Stockbett Pl.: die Stockbetten. Werbung.
Bunk bed room übersetzung
sleeping-room 1 with a double bed (mattresses are suitable for people with allergies), sleeping-room 2 with a bunk bed for 2 persons and the living-room with a comfortable sofa bed for 2 persons. Bunk deutsch As you make your bed, so you must lie in (oder: on) it. Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man. You made your bed, now sleep in it. Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man. You've made your bed, now you must lie in it. Was man sich eingebrockt hat, das muss man auch auslöffeln. As one makes his bed, so he must lie.
Bunk bed ikea Bunk beds are two beds fixed one above the other in a frame. Amerikanisches Englisch: bunk beds / ˈbʌŋk ˈbɛdz / Arabisch: سَرير بِدَوْرَين.
Bunk bed msc construction, with 3 double bedrooms (one of them wi th a bunk-bed) 1 b ath-room, 1 shower, balcony, kitchen, living-dining. [ ] room with TV/french, [ ] terrace behind the house and a big terrace (stones) in front of the house, with closed parking-place, garage with washing-machine and air-condition/heating.
Bunk bed room furn. bunk bed: Doppelstockbett {n} furn. bunk bed: Kajütenbett {n} [schweiz.] [Stockbett] furn. bunk bed: Stockbett {n} furn. bunk bed [pair of beds, one above the other] Etagenbett {n} furn. bottom bunk: unteres Etagenbett {n} furn. top bunk: oberes Etagenbett {n}.
Bunk bed for adults furn. bunk bed: Doppelstockbett {n} furn. bunk bed: Kajütenbett {n} [schweiz.] [Stockbett] furn. bunk bed: Stockbett {n} bunk rail: Kojengitter {n} top bunk: obere Koje {f} [Etagenbett] top bunk: oberes Bett {n} [eines Etagenbetts] in separate beds {adv} in Einzelbetten: in separate beds {adv} in getrennten Betten: med. with inpatient beds.